Perfect Exercises for Abs

Getting in shape is one of the most wanted changes anyone could make in their life. Even when someone is relatively fit, they still envy people with great flat stomach. Obtaining the super-fit looks is really hard work, but you can help yourself by doing…

How to Lose Weight Before Summer

How to Loose Weight before Summer Losing weight is never easy and coming up to the summer season means the pressure is even more severe as the warmer weather calls for shorts, skirts, vests and more flesh on display! It is so easy in colder…

Menopause and Weight Gain: How to Fight It?

It is a stern reality that to many women, menopause and weight gain come at more or less the same time. Reports show that women gain most weight just before they get into menopause. The abdomen seems to be the favorite target area for the…

Protein Diet

Protein Diet A protein-based diet has become very popular in recent years due to the spread of diet plans such as the Atkins weight loss programme. These types of plans involve consuming protein-rich foods at every meal and eliminating or restricting carbohydrates. The assumption behind…

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates Pilates and yoga have become hugely popular in recent years and it seems almost impossible to go to any gym or fitness centre without being offered membership to a programme of either. Endorsed and praised by celebrities the world over, yoga and…

Macrobiotic Diets: A Matter of Balance

Macrobiotic diets are strict dietary regimes based on eating primarily whole grains, supplemented by such other foods as fresh vegetables, and on avoiding highly refined and processed foods and all but a few animal products. They also warn against overeating and require those following them…

How to Lose Celulite

Cellulite is something you can have whether you are overweight or not. The dimpled skin associated with cellulite can be just as much down to genetics as poor diet, which is why some people who are relatively fit suffer with cellulite in areas such as…

Add exercises in your daily routine

To many people, allocating a certain amount of time everyday just to do some work out sounds easier said than done. For, there is hardly enough time squeezing everything that needs to be done into the 24-hour stretch we are given, let alone doing things…

How to Burn Calories Fast

How to Burn Calories Fast Burning calories is a fairly straightforward process provided that you stick 100% to what you are supposed to do. To speed up the process, willpower and commitment are even more important as your body does not naturally want to get…

How to Lose a Sugar Addiction

Knowing how to loose a sugar addiction can change your life dramatically. When people are addicted to sugar, they will usually be lacking energy and will feel fatigued far more often than people who live a healthy lifestyle. This is because of the inconsistent nature…